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Abundance in the 5th Dimension

Abundance is our Divine Right!

Abundance does not only mean financial independence. Abundance includes everything that you would like to have to experience your dream life, including money, material stuff, relationships, quality of time, joy, love, creativity, spiritual evolvement and happiness. We experience abundance when we are aligned with our True Self, our Divine Self, as we truly have everything that we need! It is our Divine Right to live life with Joy and Abundance and all that we need on all levels.

We came here to thrive, to create, to contribute in the Creations eternal evolution; we didn't come here to try to survive! But, why many people do not feel like thriving; why they do not experience abundance in all levels? What limits them, what are the blockages and the beliefs that keep them imprisoned in the old energies? What are the remnants that they brought with them from previous lives, the line of the ancestors, dogmas, the society and the false teachings?

What is Abundance in the 5th dimension and how you can experience it in your daily life. How can you practically transform the old and align with the energies of Abundance? What is the process of maintaining Abundance in your life and manifesting your dreams?

A workshop that includes a deep cleansing of the energetic field in time, space, dimensions and realities of all the blockages from the ancestor line, from past lives and vows taken, old programming from family, society, religions and the matrix. All these blockages and old programs do not allow people to live their lives Free, Sovereign, with Abundance and Joy. We will ground the New Energies to align with our Original Divine Blueprint and reconnect us with our Divine Nature to manifest our dreams.

It also includes the process of manifestation, as it is explained step by step in order to be able to apply it in your daily life easily.


Duration: 09-11.12.2022

Friday: 18.30 - 21.30

Saturday & Sunday: 10.30 – 18.30

Cost: £222

Includes: Vegetarian meals and snacks throughout the workshop

Looking forward to guiding you in this amazing Abundant workshop that will support you in your spiritual journey of Freedom and Sovereignty

Much love


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