Are your choices based on Love or Fear?

Love is to offer without expecting to receive. To give unconditionally. To accept the diversity in others. To recognize that they are on a different path to you. To receive the good of all creatures and to make choices based on your heart. To be guided by love and not fear.
Everything that happens in our lives is a gift; they are all experiences that help us in our evolution. All is Love and they are all One. God exists in all creatures, without judging anyone. Only Love fills the universe. Only Love embraces the lives of all creatures. Life will always be Love. Without love there is no life. Accept only that which fills your life with love and turn your back on fear. Fear is the enemy of human existence. It is the obstacle to the development of all and a barrier to the communication with our Creator. Base your choices on love, never on fear, never on desperation but on your desire for life.
The Creator
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