Healing Meditation & Reiki Share 27/05/18
I am excited to announce our monthly meet up with Healing Meditation & Reiki Share on Sunday the 27th of May 2018 at 16.00 Bring your...

Meet up "Healing with Archangel Michael"
I invite you to the meet up "Healing with Archangel Michael" in London, on Sunday the 29th of April 2018 at 16.00 Bring your yoga mat,...

Healing Meditation & Reiki Share
I am excited to announce the Meditation of "Healing the Inner Child" & the Reiki Share on Sunday the 4th of March 2018 at 16.00 Bring...

Mantra - release worries and stress
"God leads me and protects me God is always with me and God I serve Go aside my beloved mind and leave God to lead me" The Creator All...

The Harmonic Reactor
Published on Apr 16, 2015, The Harmonic Reactor by Marina Jacobi My Website: http://www.marinajacobi.com You can download Marina's...