Access your Higher Self, Eleni Mandani
Thank you MysticMag for the lovely interview. Very happy to participate in the online international spiritual publication MysticMag! Here...

PSYCH-K® method

Meditation & Reiki Share 12/12/2018
I am excited to announce the Reiki Share on Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 19.00 Bring your yoga mat, wear comfortable clothes and your...

Healing with the Archangels, 11/11/2018
I invite you to the meet up "Healing with the Archangels" in this amazing day with the open Cosmic Portals of Love "11.11.11", on Sunday...

29.07.18 "Healing with the Archangels" Donated to Attica, Greece
I invite you to the meet up "Healing with the Archangels" in London, on Sunday the 29th of July 2018 at 16.00 Bring your yoga mat, wear...