Introduction to Reiki
Published on Mar 3, 2014 Short introduction to Reiki with William Lee Rand. http://www.reiki.org/

Reiki Distant Healing
Reiki Distant Healing The Reiki energy, the "universal life energy" is a gentle and effective system of healing which activates the...

The Book of Knowing & Worth,Paul Selig
The Book of Knowing and Worth, Channeled text with Paul Selig Interview of Paul Selig in The Moore Show, Published 12 March 2015 at The...

Every time one tries to show life to another, one realises that life has a different angle for everyone who thinks he knows the right way...

The Book of Love and Creation
A Channeled Text by Paul Selig Paperback, 416 pages. Tarcher/Penguin, 2012 Purchase in bookstores or online at Amazon | Barnes & Noble |...