Healing Meditation & Reiki Share
I am excited to announce the Meditation of "Healing the Inner Child" & the Reiki Share on Sunday the 4th of March 2018 at 16.00 Bring...

The Book of Truth
A Channeled Text by Paul Selig, Paperback 416 pages, Tarcher Perigee, June 6, 2017 Pre-order from Amazon As recently seen on ABC’s...

Using 100% of Your Brain
Published on May 8, 2015, by Dr Bruce H. Lipton, www.brucelipton.com Dr. Bruce Lipton dispels the myth that we only use 10% of our...

Living Each Day As a Master #6 Archangel Michael Teachings
Ronna Sacred Scribe, Randall Monk, Published on April 16, 2017 by Randall Monk You can learn more about Archangel Michael's teachings at...

What the Bleep Do We Know
Published on Aug 2013/ New Thought Order www.whatthebleep.com